Nov 07, 2008 21:08
Ah, I have finally managed to be able to sit down and actually write about something other than school related junk.
I don't even know where to begin since it's been a couple weeks since I've updated.
It's hard to believe that my first semester of college is coming to end within a month! =D I must say that I expected to do better but I think I've done better than most people! I'm making 80's on the Biology tests while others are failing them, so I'm pretty happy about that. Although, my math grade is slowly dwindling down, HOWEVER I have kept up with my homework which should help me tremendously.
I finally got registered for my spring semester classes last week. My advisor NEVER shows up whenever I make an appointment with him. I literally have to hunt him down. Eugh, it's so annoying. I'm taking calulus online, along with the lab. And Sociology online. The only class I'm taking at the school is Biology II. I'm hoping the online math won't be so hard. I've heard you can get a weeks worth of work done in a day, but considering math isn't my best subject, who knows how it'll go. I'm just hoping for the best. I decided to do some online classes to help my gas AND this way I can get a full time job to get some money. I hate still having to sponge off my parents. No hospitals could hire me this semester since I was never available for the week long orientations due to school, but not this time! =D A job at a hospital is definitely in the making! =] So, school full-time and working full-time. That's gonna be hard, but I'm sure I can manage.
Halloween was fun! =D Even though Steven had a football game.
Has anyone ever played laser tag? It's so much fun.
Words cannot express how happy I am that Barack Obama is the new president of the United States. Whether you like him or not, that man is going to change the world..for the good! This was the first time I've been able to vote in a presidential election and I feel so proud of myself; like I made a difference! =D
Monday, I was at the court house for EIGHT hours! It was a total waste of a day. My dad had to be there for some issues that occurred last month. My mom and I were witnesses so we had to be there too. I was so pissed because after eight hours, they FINALLY call my dad up and the judge says, "I'm not gonna start a case at 5:00, we'll have schedule you for another date." WTF?! After we waited for eight hours? What a crock of shit! Seriously.