Nov 26, 2004 00:30
Who would you like to see get their final comeuppance? Who is it and just what would you do with them?
Comeuppance? I don't know. I'm not a vengeful person. I don't enjoy seeing other people suffer. Which is kind of an oxymoron, since I'm a doctor and it's my job to see people suffer. But, it's more about the healing.
(In game response): The one person I might have said...he already got his just deserts. That would be Roger, Kim's exhusband. Actually I could say any man (or woman) who hurts another person for fun or sport or spite...But Roger...I know the people he hurt. A wonderful, amazing woman, and her beautiful, amazing son.
Before his body was found, I wanted him to suffer, because he made them suffer. I wanted to know he was hurting, and that he paid for what he did. I'm not usually a vengeful person. But sometimes, some people...bring it out.