Feb 01, 2010 02:41
Just got home from watching Avatar with S. We decided that the real moral of the story is that it would be cool to be able to switch bodies with a giant blue dude. And, if we did this, we would be nice to all the other blue people and maybe even lead them to salvation. S. also thinks it would be cool if she could share consciousness with her cat.
I suppose this is a weird premise for a blog post, but I want to cite a few turns of speech / informal writing that have become very common over the past year or two I don't quite get. I suppose I get them well enough to understand them. But I don't understand where they come from or why they have become so ubiquitous, and perhaps therefore - or perhaps out of sheer stubbornness - I don't feel comfortable using them. A lot of people my age use them, though, at least among heavy internet users, so it's not strictly an age / coolness / youth culture thing. Can anybody help me?
1) "Full of win." As in a comment I saw on someone's Facebook the other day, "I never imagined a list that could be full of so much win!"
2) "Nom nom nom" as a sound to represent eating, particularly eating something enjoyable.
3) Okay, I've mostly made my piece with "for the win," but it's mildly annoying too.
I'm sure there are others, but this should get us started.
See, it's because of posts like this that Cannon Fodder, despite its "high theory / politics" blog aspirations, can never be anything more than an utterly vulgar journal - perhaps even a gutterblog. No self-respecting blogger would post something like this. And to have this co-exist with the more pretentious stuff ... it's just stretching it a bit, even for JBC.