Отчёт экспертного совета федеральных финансовых учреждений (US)

Mar 22, 2017 09:40

Вчера был опубликован многостраничный документ, который этот совет представляет в Конгресс США. Мне показались интересными не только тезисы, опубликованные на странице Banking Agencies Issue Joint Report to Congress Under the Economic Growth, но и список предложений агенства по решению проблем.

  • Simplifying regulatory capital rules for community banks and savings associations;
  • Streamlining reports of condition and income (Call Reports);
  • Increasing the appraisal threshold for commercial real estate loans; and
  • Expanding the number of institutions eligible for less frequent examination cycles.
  • give credit union loan officers the ability, under certain circumstances, to no longer require a personal guarantee;
  • replace explicit loan-to-value limits with the principle of appropriate collateral and eliminating the need for a waiver;
  • lift limits on construction and development loans;
  • exempt credit unions with assets under $250 million and small commercial loan portfolios from certain requirements; and
  • affirm that non-member loan participations, which are authorized under the Federal Credit Union Act, do not count against the statutory member business lending cap.

2017, congress, usa, ffiec

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