Title: When in Rome
Characters: Third Doctor, Jo
Rating: All ages
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: "Doctor Who" characters belong to the BBC.
Notes: Relatively minor spoilers for 'The Time Of The Doctor'. Inspired by a forum thread wondering how other companions would react to the Papal Mainframe's rules.
Summary: The Third Doctor takes Jo to visit the Papal Mainframe.
"The Church of the Papal Mainframe doesn't allow visitors to wear clothes,"
the Doctor explained. "This jacket is actually just an illusion."
"Really?" Jo put her hand on his sleeve, and felt only the bare arm. "That's
amazing! It looks so real!"
"It's done with one of these." The Doctor held out a metallic pill. "You
need to swallow it."
Jo shook her head firmly. "No, thank you."
"What, you don't want to come?"
"Oh, I'm coming." Jo kicked off her shoes, and began to unbutton her jacket.
"But I don't need any illusions. I've gone skyclad before, you know."
This entry was originally posted at
http://john-amend-all.dreamwidth.org/81368.html. Feel free to comment there or here.