Title: Ac Velut In Somnis (12/14)
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Rose, Adam, Lynda, Nancy; Treguard, Majida, Lord Fear
Crossover: With Knightmare
Rating: All ages
Word count: ~30200 in total, 2282 this part
Disclaimer: "Doctor Who" characters belong to the BBC.
"Knightmare" characters were created by Tim Child.
Summary: Rose had had enough adventures that she
could probably have walked through one blindfolded. This time, she would have
to do precisely that.
Dame Rose defeated Lord Fear's rage
And trapped him in a magic cage.
Through secret paths another came
To join her: Lynda is her name.
About them, there remains one doubt:
Now they've got in, can they get out?
At AO3 |
At Teaspoon }
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http://john-amend-all.dreamwidth.org/76222.html. Feel free to comment there or here.