Title: That Jack Built
Author: John Elliott
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Jack Harkness
Rating: All ages
Prompt: #248, "bivouac"
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: "Doctor Who" characters belong to the BBC.
It wasn't so much a shelter as a heap of branches. As long as its three
occupants lay still and didn't do anything energetic, such as breathe loudly,
it wouldn't collapse. Probably.
"You built this?" the Doctor asked.
"Sure did," Jack said proudly. "Great, isn't it?"
"Jack, I've seen the Quarks do better. And they haven't even got hands."
Rose, lying between them, yawned. "Go on then," she said. "You've got the
sonic screwdriver. Make us something better. Or just watertight."
"It doesn't work on wood," the Doctor mumbled.
Jack frowned. "How do you put up shelves with it, then?"