Title: Natural Aptitude
Character(s): Jamie
Rating: All Ages
Prompt: #002, 'food'; #185, 'knack'
Disclaimer: Jamie belongs to the BBC. Scrappy the kangaroo was created by Terry Pratchett.
Summary: It takes special skills to survive in the XXXXian outback.
Author's notes: Vaguely inspired by the discussion of Jamie's abilities
The fact that a kangaroo was talking to him didn't surprise Jamie. Never
having seen a kangaroo before, he didn't know that they weren't supposed to
do that.
"Just thought I'd tell you," it said. "My bossman's coming later. He's
gonna teach you how to find tucker in the bush. Then he's got a little job-"
"Hang on a moment." Jamie rummaged under a nearby rock, pulled out a plate
of sandwiches, and took a bite. "Cheese and pickle. You were saying?"
The kangaroo looked from Jamie to the sandwiches and back.
"...Let me get back to you," it said.