
Sep 14, 2009 21:09

Of the 5 races I've done, 3 of them have been on the 13th of the month.  The last three, specifically.  Interesting coincidence.

I did the Pints to Pasta 10K on Sunday, and set a new PR: 56:58.  That is excellent for me, especially since I wasn't feeling like I was in great shape and I sort of injured my feet the night before.  Of course, I've been reading too many articles in Runners World about professional runners who talk about running at an easy, conversational pace of 7 minutes per mile, when I can't even do a 5 or 10K at 9 minutes per mile.  I just have to remind myself that I am continually improving and beating my own time.  I'm doing this for fitness and fun, after all, not competition.

This was also the last run with my first real pair of running shoes.  I've run 677 miles since I got them, and while some of those miles were with a different pair of shoes, I've still run well over 500 miles on this pair, and they were starting to wear out and not be as supportive.  So I bought myself a new pair, and this 10K was my old pair's final hurrah.  You served me well!  
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