Jul 07, 2009 21:39
I am an iPhone user now. C got me a used 3G iPhone from someone at his work who was upgrading - a most excellent present! And I've got to say, I love it. I like the apps, I like having e-mail, I like the visual voicemail, and I like having the notepad to keep track of things on. I have a document that lists everything that I can think of, no matter how minor, that needs to be taken care of before the wedding. And whenever I think of something else that needs to be added to the list, I can just add it right then. Before, I always forgot what it was that I had thought of before I got to a computer. I like playing Scrabble and Dicewars and using Twitter on it.
I feel a little dirty saying all of this - I don't think of myself as a Mac fangirl. It is certainly possible that an Android phone or the Palm Pre might be just as good or better. But we're with AT&T and C is a bit of a fanboy, so the iPhone it is. And I like it.