Ok so it's been a while

Jun 15, 2010 03:39

Hey fellow LJers, to any one who's been following my posts,

So I know it's been a while sence my last post. I guess thats what happens when life gets chaotic. I haven't had alot of time to write in Live Journal much less keep up with it, which is unfortuneate. I am working on an ambitious new project. I origianally started writing it for scripted dot com but have sence desided that I didn't much care for it in a script formate. I fealt there was something lacking in the story, by way of explanation. So I'm going to write it out as a short story instead. The lovely S00j and her partner K. are going to be primary characters in it. As are my self and some of my other real life friends. I look forward to sharing it here with you all.

I promice not to be so long between posts any more and I promice to keep up on my LJ readings. Blessed be all

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