More bullies

Nov 04, 2010 21:02

It seems to be Button Pressing Fest. Or Bullying Fest?

After reading about the six suicides yesterday, I was so upset that it kept me upset for almost 3 hours in a row. Yeah, what can I say, I'm still human, still have feelings, still have a heart. I even fought to reclaim it back after it was almost dried out from... bullies. Hah. I prefer to have salvaged the capacity to feel and cry and laugh than to do what I saw since yesterday and just shrug it off.

I'm glad that I'm not an insensitive bitch. I'm just a bitch. *smirk*

Here's my top two stories about insensitive bitches. Enjoy. Or not.

1. The Internet is not public domain.
A commercial bully.

illadore  in her LJ post tells how she's been screwed by an "editor" who stole her work.

In the recent past, I accidentally used a copyrighted picture on my website and the person contacted me. She was not happy with it (and with good reason). I sincerely didn't see the notice because of the way I used to find picture of the topic I was searching... Needless to say, not only did I apologize profusely and sincerely (I hate when people are plagiarized and I was feeling really bad that this happened to her by my fault...) and immediately withdrawn the picture at her request. I even emailed her right away to let her know that I did and, for her convenience, gave her the link so she could see for herself and keep going with a rested mind.

To me, it wouldn't even cross my mind to insult that person back. It's just basic, elementary courtesy.

But the way the editor answered to illadore is winning the palm of the day in terms of arrogance, pretension and stupidity... In the domain of "rotten cherry on top of a shit sundae", it's quite a gem.

2. Where kids learn it from
IT IS NOT OK TO BULLY. Even if you wrap it up in a bow and call it ‘concern.’ (Boo's mom)

Yesterday, I wrote a post about this school district board member who got caught red-handed, stating on his Facebook how he hated gay people and enjoyed that they gave each other AIDS and died.

Today, a mother calls out other mothers who are raising little emules of McCance, after said moms got started on her son (she calls him Boo in her blog).

Boo is 5 years old. His "crime"?... He dressed as Daphne in Scooby Doo. Because, you see, he already dressed as Scooby 2 years ago, so he wasn't gonna do the same thing again and picked up another Scooby Doo character.

Read what happened here.

Kudos to Boo, and kudos Boo's mom.

Bullying has many faces, but the most common one is righteousness and respectability - otherwise it would be called out loud and quickly shut down. But no. It's coming from people who display as many signs of respectfulness as they can manage to carry and show off at once. Because they're socially considered as models, kids do like them.

And this is where children learn it from.

*   *   *

Bullying takes many forms and, obviously, is performed at all ages. It gets more subtle as people grow older, so it's not as easy to call out, especially when adults like to drown the essence of it under a flood of word play.

Anyway, more kids who are taught lessons that hurt:
- kids receiving lessons in hate (they don't choose to be taught that by adults); and
- kids who are on the receiving end of the lesson application.

Another kind of bullying, the "STFU coz it could have been a lot worse" kind of bullying, performed through commercial means, is another pervasive form of bullying. "Oh, really? Sue me." (Which is the commercial equivalent of "Oh yeah? Kiss my @$$."

It didn't go unnoticed, at least.

pet peeve, states of consciousness, violence, thoughts, teenage years, global concerns

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