Two-faced HRC talking out of both sides of their mouth - they have destroyed trust

Nov 06, 2007 23:18

White man speaks with forked tongue:
This post by Autumn Sandeen at Pam's House Blend reveals the whole story of how they lied and betrayed the nation's LGBT activism.

A scant two months ago HRC promised to support the trans-inclusive ENDA bill HR 2015 - now they've reneged on their position and made those of us who were persuaded to ally with them on this campaign to regret now being made to look like fools in retrospect by their duplicity.

Kathy Padilla writes: "It's time to call for Joe Solmonese and David Smith to resign. They outright lied to us in the Philadelphia community just 3 weeks ago on this very subject. It's time to stop supporting organizations that lie to our faces. All of you were on the conference call, all of you received Joe's email assurances that HRC was firm in their policy."

I feel sickened by the betrayal.

I liked this comment to -
"If we are going with parts why not just leave out gay men?
I mean when he talks about getting parts passed isn't lesbian more accepted then gay men? Shouldn't we be focusing on parts that can pass like that? I mean a lot of men I know think the lesbian part is hot and a turn on. I'm sure it would be ok to leave the gay men out to get it passed."

queer, ethics, politics

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