Pam's House Blend has become my favorite queer politics blog - the firstest with the mostest of the latest updates to what's going on. The best way I know to keep informed on these issues.
Breaking: HRC signs letter to Capitol Hill supporting original ENDA "Although we believe that the bill's sponsor, Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA), and the House Democratic Leadership have a sincere desire to protect the LGBT community from discrimination, we believe the process and strategy that has been adopted is a mistake. That mistake is compounded by moving forward with a markup tomorrow."
Actually, HRC signed onto that statement in company with a bunch of other organizations in the Leadership Conference for Civil Rights. A few days late, but they eventually got it right. I held off throwing out my equal-sign stickers until they clarified their position.
It seems the massive outcry from the citizens has caused the House leadership to hold off on their filthy scheme. Today Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, and Tammy Baldwin issued a statement that they will wait a few weeks before moving ahead on it. I learned this from Kathleen's comments to the above news at Pam's.
"I am guessing that the outrage of the LGBT was heard, and it will go forward later this month T inclusive."
"My guess is that Pelosi is experiencing cognitive dissonance between what Mr. Frank is saying and what every GLBT organization on the planet is saying."
"My guess is that this latest retreat owes in large part to the good offices of Tammy Baldwin, who did not agree to last week's trans exclusion and held out on the original ENDA from the inside."
"Don't mean to be a persickity kind of quasi-attorney again, but...
...note the phrase in the letter
'...we write to express our opposition to the strategy and process by which the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (HR 3685) is to be considered in the House of Representatives.'
Note that there is no comment in that letter saying that the organizations will oppose any ENDA bill that doesn't include transgender protections -- They just oppose the congressional strategy."
--Autumn Sandeen
"This is good news
Let's face it: this is good news. The message was heard loud and clear - we're in this together."