Pam's House Blend blog nails it - analysis of the Larry Craig case and general Republican hypocrisy

Aug 28, 2007 22:52

Serves 'em right.
Of all the commentary I've read on this today, Pam goes right for the nitty gritty.

"Craig represents a textbook case of hypocrisy. He also voted "yes" on the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. It should be noted that when the first openly gay member of Congress, Gerry Studds, died on Saturday, he left behind a legal spouse, Dean Hara (they married in Massachusetts). However, because of DOMA, the federal benefits normally due to a spouse have been denied to Hara.

Glenn Greenwald has pulled a ton of righty indignation from the past over the Clenis. These are the same people braying now about "privacy" for Craig. Too f*cking bad.

'As should be painfully obvious, the issue with Larry Craig - or with pointing out the wildly promiscuous recreational-drug-aided sexual behavior of Rush Limbaugh, or Newt Gingrich's multiple, overlapping broken marriages - isn't to apply our moral standards to their private lives, but is to apply their own publicly claimed moral standards, as well as the core tactics of the GOP, to document that they live in utter contradiction to the sexual morality they relentlessly embrace for political gain…'

'...Watching Bush followers angrily objecting to the use of sexual behavior and homosexuality for political gain - or listening them oh-so-solemnly lament how the Good People are being driven away from politics because of the personal, invasive treatment to which they are subjected - is about as jaw-droppingly astonishing as any spectacle one can fathom. This is a political movement built upon claims of moral superiority in the sexual and private realms. It is truly difficult to express the level of contempt and scorn that is merited when the most fervent supporters of that same political movement pretend to be offended and angry when it is revealed that the lives being led by their political leaders are grossly inconsistent with the sexual and moral values they claim to monopolize.'

These wingers can bleat about the Dem slime machine all they want, but they need to look in the mirror."

Closeted homophobes Haggard, Foley, Allen, Craig... These sorts of stories are starting to look awfully familiar! Who's next? They so richly deserve to fall into the traps they've built for others. We call gloating rights.

Looking beyond the justifiable Schadenfreude of the moment to a more positive future for America-- isn't it high time by now for this country to seriously reassess the insanity of denying equal rights to our LGBT citizens-- throw all the closet doors wide open-- finally bring about equality for all-- and join the 21st century? We can start by passing the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act and ENDA--now, not later.

P.S. CRAIG = Closeted Republican Admits: "I'm Gay"

queer, politics

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