"What was the last wedding you went to? Were you in the wedding?"
My youngest sister got married in 2003. It was outdoors in a garden in the Cleveland Arboretum. Oh, it would have been so lovely in June! But Cleveland in October? They were really pushing it with the weather. It turned overcast and chilly, and there were even slight sprinkles of cold rain shortly before the ceremony. But the weather gods spared us and a blessed time was had by all. The reception dinner was a beautiful vegetarian creation, both the bride and groom being veggie. That was what I liked best about it! But my Dad refused to accept vegetarian food as worthy of a Real Man, and special ordered a steak for just himself instead. Can you believe that? (men!)
My part in it was to read a poem. They asked me to choose one. I chose an
ancient Tamil love poem from one of the sangam anthologies dated circa 100 BCE. I actually read it in Tamil (along with the English translation). My relatives, who had never even heard of Tamil, told me afterwards "We could not make out a word of that language, but it sounded nice."
The groom's poetry contribution was to recite at the top of his lungs the famous words of the Brazilian soccer star Pelé: "LOVE! LOVE!! LOVE!!!" I like my BIL. He's fun. I really bonded with his sisters, they're fun too.
Now for the commercial--
Hi. I'm Ellen Degeneres. You know, my Mom always wanted a chance to be mother of the bride. She deserves her share in the happiness of my loving bond with my sweetie Portia. Now that's real "family values."
Don't discriminate against gay and lesbian people's equal right to marry - the USA needs full marriage equality now. Go for it, America, you can do it! ¡Sí, se puede! Come on!
This message has been brought to you by the Human Rights Campaign. For equality for all Americans.