How do you work this thing?

May 29, 2006 11:15

So Miss M. Tribe set me up with this LJ account yesterday 'cause she knows I have a lot to say at times. It's just a matter of getting into the habit like "Dear diary..." I always sucked at keeping diaries... but since I often have a lot to say, this will be a good habit to get into. For years I've been posting my brilliant ideas and bon mots in a scattered variety of places... private E-mails, Yahoo groups, and various message boards. Then later if I want to recover something good I'd come up with, it would take some searching. Several of my essays have sprung from E-mails or even IM conversations that I saved and rewrote.

Years ago, before I got a computer, when I used to be walking on the street or something, and came up with ideas worth writing down, I used to think of all the things I would write once I got a computer. This was delusional, since of course I could have carried a notebook and pen and jotted things down any time. When I finally got a computer, most of my writing turned out to be E-mails and message boards, and these things largely served the purpose I'd imagined of jotting down my daily inspirations.

Now if I can get this LJ concept working, it will finally realize my old dream of keeping my thoughts more or less in one access point.

But so far the controls of my LJ account are largely a mystery. Soon as I get 'em figured out, we'll see...


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