Gaia drum circle

Jul 01, 2006 02:06

Tonight I went to the Gaia Drum Circle, drumming for women, and six of us showed up. I took along Miss M. and the Grey one, who helped me carry and play my djembe, dumbek, doira, and frame drum, and Sheila joined us later with her djembe. Our hostess Dre and her friend Kristin, who I'd drummed with before, have amazing rhythm skills and I had fun keeping up with them. It was beautiful to drum in her back patio on Capitol Hill in DC with fragrant gardens releasing a scent of jasmine into the darkening summer evening, making joyous dyke music.

When we reached the street and parked, the first thing we noticed was the sound of a child singing. He was doing old gospel songs like "Oh Freedom"! He sounded great. It was such an unexpected pleasure to drive up into a new neighborhood for the first time and be greeted with song on the street. When we got out of the car, the talented young singer asked Miss M., "Are you a faggot?" She said, "No," and paid him compliments on his singing. Then he asked if Miss Grey was my mother. The boy was autistic and his sister said he was preaching. Later when we were in full jam he shouted over the fence at us. I think he liked our drumming.

I played one of Kristin's drums from Ivory Coast, I mean Côte d'Ivoire, a real beauty with a clear, crisp, rich tone and a responsive head that felt nice under my fingers. I must find out from her again what was the name of it. My son in law is from there, maybe he can help me find one.

drums, music, feminism

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