as she walked

May 01, 2007 11:32

As she walked the path and passed many places, some good some bad, some sticky traps that she got herself free from, everything on the path behind her trailed and accumulated, though most of the time the burden felt light enough to carry. Even when it felt too heavy she felt extra strength to bear it, so somehow she kept going and accumulating more of the places she passed through on her way, the people and lives and energies of those places. As it got bigger, it swept more energy along and so although the sticky spots remained part of the whole, they lost most or all of their stickiness.

She thought of... the blanket that Tita knitted out of her sadness and desolation in Like Water for Chocolate. And how in the movie when Tita left home, her rainbow colored blanket trailed after her down the road for miles... She saw it as a continuing connection to her past as she moved on, something emitted from her own being, like a thread of fate spun by Spider Grandmother. Her sense of engagement with the world.

She noticed the light on top of it all was accumulating too, and the brighter it got, the stronger she got to bear the increasing weight. So she looked to the light.

spirit, latina

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