Reflections on my religion I had today

Dec 04, 2006 20:42

The most reliable directions I've ever followed have always come from within my own inner experience. My inner experiential guidance has been the continuity that runs all through my spiritual life through the years, through my many changes.

I am tired of arguments between monotheism and polytheism, and have ceased to care much one way or the other. For me they have become alternative lenses through which to view reality, and reality is very big: bigger than either of these views and easily able to accommodate both of them and more. The distinction between monotheism and polytheism, along with the debate over which is better, no longer holds any interest for me. Where I find my spiritual fulfillment, the distinction seems trivial and not relevant. I see no imperative to choose one of the possible modes of apprehending reality and holding to it alone at all costs. Reality is the interesting thing to me, not the mechanism used for apprehending it. (Although aesthetically I find much to admire in Islamic art... a beautification of the reality-apprehending mechanism.)

Although the question is of central importance to how monotheism defines itself as the only correct mode of religion, polytheists are concerned with the difference only insofar as they are busy opposing attacks from monotheists. Since I do not find the polemic fruitful or beneficial--rather, I find all such struggles over theology harmful to the human race--I have withdrawn from this conflict and instead seek to build bridges of understanding between the two sides. I'm able to connect directly, personally with each side.

As a liminal being who walks whatever edges she finds, my spiritual talents are suited for crossing such boundaries. So mote it be...

religion, edgewalking, comparative religion

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