Into the light

Jun 02, 2006 12:54

I am constantly accused of being a sexist man-hater every time I try to discuss my difficulties with masculinity. I swear I am not out to bash men, and my ability to relate to men has improved a lot since I've been working on this. But if I can't find a way to discuss my problems with masculinity openly and respectfully, how am I supposed to work ( Read more... )

femme, mutant, bitch, girl me, rape, alienation, feminism, 1960s

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Translated lyrics to "Ola Sto Fos" (Everything Brought to Light), sung by Eleftheria Arvanitaki johanna_hypatia June 26 2006, 15:36:22 UTC
You ask something.
I answer something.
Words, words in time.

You are somewhere,
I'm somewhere.
I meet you now and then.

At times
at moments
all seems gained.

You return,
I return
to habit, to lies.

How do you expect us to unite
if we don't bring to light
all the hidden things?

How do you expect us to unite
if we don't cause that which is
brought to light to disappear?

Let us get to know
that which is brought to light,
that which is set to fire.

What can I tell you about myself
if we don't bring to light
that which is extinguished?

Those who can,
those who withstand
look for their truth.

And when they find it
they leave it
and emigrate to light.

How do you expect us to unite
if we don't bring to light
all the hidden things?

How do you expect us to unite
if we don't cause that which is
brought to light to disappear?

All brought to light,
Ours, yet unknown,
for us to experience.
How can you tell me who you are?
Build up the fairy tale
for us to pull it down.

How do you expect us to unite
if we don't travel
through the hidden things?

How do you expect us to unite
if we don't use up
that which is brought to light?

All is brought to light,
truth and lies
and those we've held back.

Set fire to your eyes
shed a blood-like light
and then look at me.

All brought to light
All brought to light...

--lyrics by Alkinoos Ioannidis


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