spiral painting

Oct 15, 2006 16:00

Last night at irene_jericho's party I met lil_psy and she got out her cell phone and showed me one of her paintings she had saved there. Well, you can't see much when it's cell phone size, but she did zoom in on a detail and I could see she is an awesomely talented artist. Her painting included unicorns, a lion, a castle and was utterly beautiful, captivating. Someday I hope to see it fullsize. I asked her to upload it to the web so people can see it better. Then I remembered only one of my paintings has ever made it online. I did this in 2000. The title is Spiral 1.

I came up with the design about 1979 doodling in my notebooks at college, and have been using it in art since then. This is the second version in color. I plan to rearrange the colors more interestingly the next time I paint it. Last summer at Midwest Witchcamp my friend Rook saw me painting it again, and told me it resembles the sacred symbol of a Mayan god, Hunab Ku. I was floored to learn this. Was I Mayan in a former life or what?

spiral, art

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