Sign the petition to halt the execution of Fawza Falih for "witchcraft"

Mar 10, 2008 00:33

Please read about the appeal below and act as you are moved.

Saudi Woman to be Executed for Witchcraft Please circulate widely
This appeal has so far received relatively few signature. Please
circulate widely to your contacts.

URGENT: Halt Saudi Woman's Execution for 'Witchcraft'

To Those Who Share Our Concern:

Please join us in calling for the immediate pardon and release of FAWZA FALIH , a Saudi Arabian woman who has been sentenced to death by beheading for the alleged crime of "witchcraft. " As Human Rights Watch has declared, the conviction of Fawza Falih is a travesty
of justice.

A letter to His Royal Highness KING ABDULLAH has been drafted and signed by clergy and members of various faith traditions all over the world. The letter may be read online where you may also sign it. Please do
so as soon as possible at:

We would greatly appreciate it if you would also forward this request to whomever else you think will share our concern.

Time is of the essence.

Further information on the case is available at:

CNN Reports Saudi Witch Case

HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH Saudi Arabia: Fawza Falih's Case
Reveals Deep Flaws in Saudi Justice System

To read the letter from Human Rights Watch to King Abdullah:

BBC News Pleas for condemned Saudi 'witch'

HuffingtonPost: Saudis to Execute Woman for Witchcraft

Thank you for your help.

Rev. Phyllis. W. Curott, J.D., Assembly of World Religious Leaders

Mike Mohamed Ghouse, President, World Muslim Congress

Rabbi Michael Lerner, Editor of Tikkun Magazine, Chair of the Network of Spiritual Progressives

Gregory Gomez, Apache, Spiritual Leader

Sheila Musaji, Editor, The American Muslim

Andrew Harvey, Rumi Scholar, Spiritual Leader,
Founder, The Institute for Sacred Activism

Dr. Uma Mysorekar, The Hindu Temple Society of North

Ellen Evert Hopman M.Ed. Author

Elliott Dlin, Executive Director, Dallas Holocaust
Museum/Center for Education & Tolerance

Dr. Sushil Jain, President, Jain Society of Metro
Washington & Secretary, Federation of Jain
Associations in North America.

Ervad Ratansha Vakil - Zoroastrian Priest - Dallas,
Texas, USA

Ashok Aklujkar, Hindu Community, Professor Emeritus,
Vancouver, Canada

Rev. Dr. Rita Nakashima Brock, Director, Faith Voices
for the Common Good, Visiting Scholar, Starr King
School for the Ministry

Rev. Dr. Todd A. Collier, Presbyterian Minister

Rev. Dr. Kevin D. Huddleston, Episcopal Priest

Rev. Darrell E. Berger, Unitarian Universalist

Noor-ul Amin Ali Son of Jaffer Ali, Pakistan Karachi,
Shia Ismaili Muslim

Naresh R. Shah, Jain Community, Nitro, WV 25143

Rev. S. M. Fox, President, Greater Madison
Interreligious Association, Assembly of World
Religious Leaders

Marylou Ghyst, Unity Church, Texas

arab women, violence against women

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