Aug 11, 2008 14:48
ok so ....ive been enjoying my summer and waht not...but now...I am getting extremely nervous. I still havent found a job!! and school should be starting in a few weeks. I have sent out my applications and have heard nothing yet from anyone. I mean am i doing something wrong? also i have a supplementarty in math so i could teach middle school math if i wanted and yet i havent heard anything about that either. sigh this whole thing is starting to get my nervous and aggravated. I mean i dont know waht to do anymore. It looks like for now i might as well just sub but i dont want to do that either! gah! this is soo confusing. I hate how they are not hiring teachers at this moment like when they did a few years ago. I guess i just need to have faith in the way things are gonna go for me. I guess it'll happen sooner or later.
On a happy note i guess....its almost Hawaii time!!! i leave on friday already and come back early thurs morning. I cant believe how the time has just flown by. I really can't believe that ive been talking about this for a while and now its finally here. Well i guess i need some vacation time but my plan was to have a job already.....yea we'll see how everything works out. anywho....nothing else going on...just me working so save up for hawaii.....
alright well i gotta go take care of some business....Hawaii here I come!! =)