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May 16, 2007 10:59

alrighty...well the semster is winding down quite nicely if i say so myself.  I have just finished one final that i did this morning and that was a breeze simply because it was open notes and this class was soo easy and my teacher completely rocks. Anywo all i have left to look forward to is the TPA assessment due tomorrow.  I have half of it done...go figure since im such a procrastinator.  Anyways and then if i want i can have an essay done by tomorrow thats a final for my other class.  so if i wantt o turn it in tomorrow i wont have to come on monday.  its tempting but...i still hvae the tpa.  we'll see if i finish it during my break right now.  other then that i have a final in my math class next week and then a paper due online for my other class by next thurs and im all set.  goodness gracious i am soo done with this semester.  i think i did well i guess....

but what im really looking forward to is my dad's bday party.  my dad is finally turning 50!!  haha his bday is actually this sunday the 20th but my parents are going to vegas to go to one of cuzins wedding and then next weekend on the 26th is the actual party for him.  i am too excited.  partly cuz i will be officially done with school and can relax and second cuz well ill have my family around and we can drink and what not the whole night!  hehehe im such a lush.  anyways i know itll be some good times and plus everyone likes my dad hes too goofy.

sadly since it is memorial day weekend eric wont be in town for the party.  now normally because it is memorial day weekend he would be in town since it would be a long weekend for him but he has a wedding/ family reunion on the exact same day up in santa barbara.  so he wont come.  i am kinda sad simply because by then it will have been 7 weeks since i have last seen him.  thats practically two months!  u know sometimes i cant take it.  but!!  i have officially booked a plane ticket and will see him that week after  my dads party.  so i seriously cannot wait!  i tell u long distance relationships suck....but i just like the fact that the end is soon approaching.  he will be here for good in mid june and so i will be happy all summer long =)

other then that everything has been good.  i saw heroes on monday of course.  please tell me someone watches that show as well.  it is freaking amazing!  i cant wait til the season finale next week.  soo much stuff is gonna happen and yet i know we'll be left with so many answers only to wait until next seasaon.  god i luv this show!!  haha

alright well i have rambled on enough and if i really want to finish this paper by tomorrow then i better get cracking. 
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