The Plan:
I take a picture in the next few years that is so phenomenal it gets picked up by National Geographic and they offer me a starting position as a paid photographer for some low key project.
I excel, and get to do a few bigger projects. Someone picks up that I can write as well, and I am one of the few journalists to do both the writing and visuals for their projects.
My editors are so impressed that when the assistant editor retires from the magazine to go teach expensive seminars on photography, I am offered the position. I am the youngest editor for such a large magazine anywhere, and my work is widely known.
I make enough money to pull my parents completely out of debt and let my father retire. I buy him a hot dog stand in Atlantic City. I buy my mother a new guitar, and it inspires her to return to her music career. Consequently, they are so happy that they begin to believe they have always loved each other after all.
I continue to edit writing and photography for this magazine, and eventually put together a book as a side project, which quickly becomes a New York Bestseller. The revenue will keep me set for life, so long as I don't live too frivolously, and thus I have reached the point where I no longer have to work. I am 30.
Now that the pressure is off, I enjoy work even more. When the Senior Editor leaves, I am offered the position, and in turning it down, I have reached all my career goals. It is time to open my coffee shop.
By this time, Laura has finished culinary school, and her hip hop lyrics are already beginning to be recognized, blaring from passing cars. Amanda has written a best seller herself, a collection of poetry that has sold millions of copies and been translated into 8 different languages. She is currently giving Japanese another shot, in an attempt at learn how accurate these translations are. She likes the Spanish version the best.
I call them up and ask if they're ready. They are, we put our resources together and open up a small coffee shop, complete with thrift shop furniture, and all my favorite photos no one would publish when I was 19. Amanda writes sporadic poetry on the walls and mirrors, while Laura works out some recipes that later get her nationally recognized.
Adam comes back from England where he has been studying Chess and Philosophy with a world renowned scholar, and helps me set up a book store for our shop. I still love him. I still claim we're not dating.
Rachel has her M.D. in Psychiatry but does not enjoy her patients. She complains that "they're all crazy" and mentions that she wished she still worked in a book store but had to quit borders when Steve wouldn't stop coming in. She comes to work with us.
Julia has gotten over her fear of performance by now, and has been in two Broadway productions, but left the theatre to go sing for Disney characters. She takes a sabbatical to come play piano once a week in our shop. Adam plays when everyone goes home.
It took Ana precisely a week in the advertising business to design the equivalent of the next Nike logo. She is set for life, and promptly decides that that's enough of working. She moves to Spain, and it is a pain in the ass to get her to come back. But when I tell her that Julia is playing piano, she comes, and brings some drawings to hang on our walls.
Josh has become a Rabbi in DC, but there is talk of scandal. They say he has seduced all the Hebrew school teachers. He flees to our shop where he helps me arrange community service activities in the area. He has learned to draw heads, and the art he hangs on our walls are no longer decapitated or smilieblockheads.
I call Val up because she's all up to date on the fair-trade issues, and tells me the best place to get my coffee. She's currently in the third world doing some political thing that is well over my head. However she comes back for my opening, and to tell me she loves me and she told me so.
Ari is the Ari in Ari & Rupert. He replaced Ebert after he died. They say Ari’s a much better critic anyway. He loves the movie world but misses music, and comes back to help me book bands.
Dave runs in all sweaty. He has just gotten back from biking across the country. He was worried about making it in on time, and in his concern for missing my opening, accidentally beat a world record of some sort. I tell him not to hug me because he's all drippy. Of course he does anyway, and I'm glad.
Gabs had an epiphany and realized that she's as smart as I always told her she was, her high school art teacher was a bitch, and that she still loves to make art after all. She comes back to help me design my shop, and sings on open mic nights.
Paul has designed a car that is the hottest selling model this year. I let him have a car show outside as an incentive for him to come see me. He claims he doesn't need one. We argue, but I love him anyway.
Michelle has become a successful journalists for the kinds of newspapers I could never work for, and they love her there. She is widely recognized for her investigative reporting skills, though begins to have problems when boys, stunned by her beauty and charm, become instantly speechless, and all her quotes read "uh...". When asked why she was retiring from the business, her only statement was, “dumb males, I’m going to see Joanie”. She takes to writing restaurant and concert reviews, which is more accommodating to her creative writing style anyway. She writes us a killer review which gets us enough funding to patch the furniture. Amanda looks disappointed that the furniture is not bleeding anymore. She says it gave it character.
Stef, who has by now been the primary drive behind getting gay marriage approved in 23 states, is happily married to a gorgeous and successful young woman. Stef adores her, but secretly worries about whose cuter. She comes in to pinch my cheeks and hug me a lot.
Sarah has been working in a tea shop, drinking tea and reading books. She comes to my shop to drink tea and read books. She points out that our cups could be prettier, so I put her in charge of that, along with expanding our Eroica section. When I later find the entire section of comics missing, Sarah still insists that it’s everyone else whose the clepto.
Jamie's a school teacher of some sort, but he got distracted one day. Luckily he ended up in my shop.
My sister Naomi works at the hospital across the street as a child life specialist. As one of their activities, she and the kids made a mock music video with Naomi singing karaoke. She is mad at me because I stole it and gave a public viewing of it in my shop. A talent agent saw it while sipping his latte, and offered her a contract. She still hasn’t forgiven me, but she comes in for coffee everyday anyway.
My brother Josh is in college. I still call him for advice.
I still cry in Iris’s lap on Tali’s birthdays, as she whispers, “I told you that you were a journalism major”.
Simran and Amit are both successful doctors who are disappointed at the medical industry's lack of humor. They become the next Patch Adams. I turn around one day to find them and Johannah who still works at Camp Galil in the summers, making funny faces in my window. I die laughing.
Suddenly the future’s looking much brighter.