mad bored
1. Who is in the room with you? no one
2. Who is the last person to text you? ted
3. Whose house did you last go to? liz
4. Who was the last person you told you love them? jacqueline?
5. Who called you last? oreo (joe onorio)
6. What was the last thing you ate? snickers... and a country chicken wrap
7. What was the last thing you drank? sobe lizard fuel (strawberry banana)
8. What color pants are you wearing? light jean
9. What is the closest item near you that is pink? my easter dress (black with pink polka dots) is on the chair behind me
10. What are you wearing on your feet? socks and sneakers... dunno why
11. What instant messaging service do you use? aim
12. What is your favorite website? hotmail/shutterfly/photobucket
13. What is your favorite shoe brand? nike
14. What do you wear more, jeans or sweatpants? sweatpants
15. What is the last movie watched? *blush* supertroopers... but not really... it was just on
16. What do you currently hear right now? the song just changed to backstreet boys!! :)
17. When is your birthday? oct. 4
18. When did you last buy a new pair of pants? wow... really long time ago... my mom and sister got me a pair of jeans right before school
19. When did you last take a shower? this morning
20. Where is your favorite place to be? home, church, in someone's arms
21. Where is your mouse? in the mousetrap of course
22. Where is your mom? sleeping
23. Where do you sleep? eddy 116
24. Where do you shop the most? i don't like to shop... wal mart :)
25. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? SGA... yeah polo! :)
26. Where in your house are you? my desk... haha (dorm)
27. Where was your default picture taken? URI Brisk Winds Ultimate Tournament
and another one!!!
1. 4th grade teacher's name:
Miss Marks and Mr. Salvador... West Vine, woot woot!
2. Last words you said to your dad.
3. Last song you sang...
heart of worship
4. Last person you hugged
phil kim
5. Last thing you laughed at:
an e-mail i got
6. Last time you went to the restroom:
like 15 mins ago
7. Last time you cried:
saturday. phil may not be around much longer.
8. Favorite smell?
rain, pears, fresh cookies or brownies
9. What color socks are you wearing:
10. What's under your bed?
dresser, fridge, container of shoes, stuff i don't need (ie- plastic bags)
11. What time did you wake up today:
6:55 am
12. Current Taste:
13. Current hair:
auburn, kinda short, in a bun
14. Current job:
LD Program
15. Current annoyance:
having no money
16. Current longing:
phil hug
17. Current desktop background:
junior davis, 2 pics of matt and me, and a pic of dave and me
18. Whats your mothers maiden name:
19. What are your plans for the weekend:
organic chemistry
20. Current mood:
bummed out, very sleepy, drained, but happy
21. do u have a best friend?
yes. matt. and liz. and dave. and lindsey
22. Favorite food?
my mom's tuna casserole, velveeta
23. Most disliked food?
24. Current crush?
i plead the 5th
25. Is your hair straight?
if i straighten it
26. If you could be any instrument what would you be:
27. Favorite color(s):
orange!!!! and purple and blue
29. How tall are you:
30. Current favorite word/saying:
31. Favorite Show:
32.favorite season:
fall for the weather, summer for what's going on
31. do u throw things when u r angry?
34. Do you get along with your parents?
35. Do you have any siblings?
ya. dannielle and stephanie and jacqueline
36. What is your career going to be like:
37. How many kids do you want:
38. Kissed a stranger:
39. Said "I love you" :
40. Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish,other:
41. Have you ever been to New York:
ya, i kinda live here now. gonna live in nyc in a couple years
42. Been to Florida:
ya. 10th grade
43. Been to California?
no. wanna... to visit tyler
45. Been to mexico:
46. Been to Paris?:
47: Been to Australia?:
48. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day?
49. Stuck Your Tongue In A Fan:
50. Whats your bedroom look like?
a typical dorm room
51. Have you ever gone dancing?
ya... kinda
52. Any pets?
3 cats: sabi, tiger lily, sweet pea (all boys!)
53.What Book Are You Reading?
the Bible, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Human Body, Authentic Beauty by Leslie Ludy
55. What is the first thing you think when you wake up in the morning?
do i have to shower or did i yesterday night?
56. How many rings before you answer:
like 2 or 3
57. Future daughter's name:
Hannah maybe
58. Future son's names:
Jacob maybe
59. What do you sleep with:
scruffy (thank you julieanna), moshi pillow (thank you hillary)
60. What do you wear to sleep in:
makeshift pjs
61. Where are you:
dorm room
62. Where do you wish you were:
home, with liz, with tyler, with phil, with grant, in bed
63. Piercings
64. Best part about your life?
65. When do you want to get married?
after college (optometry school included)
66. Do you eat meat?
67. Favorite number?
64, 5, 24
68. Best holiday?
69. Last time you wore a dress?
last thursday, 50's dance
70. Who is the last person that called you?
71. Where do you want to get married?
a church... NSBC's new one! :)
72. If you could change anything about your life what would it be?
reapplied to the william h. chapman foundation scholarship. coulda gotten $1,200 more
73. Hate?
crying and fake people... and liars
74. What kind of soap do you use?
75. Are you timely or always late:
timely, occassionally late like for classes that it doesn't matter with
76. Do you have a job:
77. Do you like being around people?
78. Best feeling in the world:
people telling me they appreciate something i did/said... saying how i made a difference in their life
79. Worst feeling in the world?
rejection, loneliness, failure, crying
80. Last time you used drugs?
never illegal... prescription, this weekend... albuterol
81. Do you have a "Type" of person u always go for:?
christian :) i don't really know yet.
82. Are you lonely right now?
83. Are you ditzy?
i have my few tendencies
84. Last time you went to school?
3 pm, stats midterm
85. What color is your hair?
86. Do you want kids:
de ja vu?
87. Cried: no
88. Bought something: besides food off my meal card, no
89. Gotten Sick: no
90. Sang: ya
91. Said I Love You: no
92. Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: ya
93. Told them? no
94. Been drunk? no
95. Talked to someone: ya
96. Had a serious talk last 48 hours? no
97. Missed Someone: ya
98. Hugged Someone: ya!! :)
100. Yelled at Someone: no
*Crying Section*
1. When was the last time you REALLY cried your heart out?
the summer... towards the middle
2. When was the last time you cried yourself to sleep?
a couple years ago...
3. Do you still cry when you get an injury?
not usually
4. What usually makes you cry?
missing people
5. Has one of your best friends ever made you cry?
*Happy Section*
1. Are you usually a happy person?
2. What can make you happy?
bear hugs!!! compliments (even if i don't show it on the outside)
3. Does being with your friends make you happy?
96.35% of the time!