Aug 27, 2010 18:52
Like nostalgic only. Except that it's w/o my usual friends, so like not fun.
And like got one girl, annoy me like mad. Her name start with k then hair is shoulder length then got fucking highlights just like mine, but alot uglier. Then I think cannot speak proper english kind like got really weird local accent, not singlish per say but like those you hear already kind will want to cover your ears cos not nice to hear. Then the eyes not say big, but the feeling is like, going to pop out. Idk why. But main point, you see you get irritated kind.
Ok nvm, see irritated already then forget it. But now, mouth open. Trouble only. Like dictator and like know it all leh she. 'YOU MUST WEAR THE EARPIECE'. Omfg in my mind was like fuck you but like this month holy month or something so I just try be nice and shut up. But I like nice. Reply in like angelic voice 'ok'. Then I plug out. Bur really leh, fucker sia she. Angry only.
Then like next round, she like try explain to me why must put in ear. I think my face look stupid or something along that line la, like I some uneducated babarian who like cannot comprehend english or what. Please? If got speech competition and like can win prize, then me and her compete for 1st and 2nd place. I will get first, then she will get certificate of participation. Very annoying. Really, not lying.
I go work like dog like that really. People just want to tell me what to do or ask me do thing. Ya work like that right? That's why get paid. Ok lor be dog. Early morning only someone come to me and say, did you see this or did you choose not to see this? (pointing to a piece of damn gross tissue paper) Fuck sia, are you an asshole or an asswipe? Never see can my fault sorry need so sacarstic, joker. Like want to roll eyes only.
So if you're not ready to fight all these annoying people, assholes, bastards and listen to bad english, you better study hard or something. Or you fight them. Or just simply be one of them. So many alternatives, just pick one. Or you also can go be their boss.