Aug 10, 2010 22:38
Can't believe. The holiday has been so long and so awesome that I absolutely canot believe that school is starting tomorrow. Like you know? Real life lectures where you don't call your teachers teacher anymore. They become professors and they become distant and they become uncaring like how they are supposed to be. Come to think of it, it is tremendously scary, isn't it? To be on your own floating or struggling with academia? Reading and re-reading texts on your own free will no one there to push you because now you should know better what you want and what you should do for yourself. And the compelling need to start with the end in mind- having to graduate with first class honours.
The path ahead is so long and with first day (for me) tomorrow, I don't know what to expect. Would university be as easy as what people make it out to be? Would it be as hard as what people make it out to be? Or would it be just awesome? I have no idea its so bleak, everything is so bleak. The future is so bleak.
So first real life lesson tomorrow at 8am, learning a new language french. I heard it is difficult, I know it is difficult but I'm going to be awesome, well that's what I hope. Hall life, supposedly another big thing. I don't know how involved I'd get with all the activities and stuff because stories told by people and hence induced. would imply that I would have an extremely happening life. Going by deductions, I would have 4-5 cca and have to balance academia as well. Woosh, win. I wna join photog vb fb cip in hall, and maybe track/roadrun just for fun. I want to admidst having fun, do well in school and not forget what I'm here for.
Also let me bore you with bidding (its this annoying thing where we have to use points to determine what modules we take, it acts like a demand and supply thing, how much points you bid for the modules is how much it is worth to you and stuff like that, simple after understanding). I have to share my joy because I finally got my module after waiting for two weeks. Thank god I did not bid in round 1C (supposedly for freshman, where modules are supposedly cheaper) because in that round, it would have cost 482 bidding points. And in this round, awesome, I got it for just 1 bidding point. So first step to declare major, down. Next step, study fucking hard to get at least a B-, pre-requsite to major. Please give me some brains and luck I really want this. So I'm going to drop theatre studies, soon.
I seem to have lost the excitement and zest on how I feel and how I see things. I have no idea why, with one day passing after another, each day seem almost the same as the other. It's a little too early for midlife crisis. I have recently passed driving but there wasn't a huge surge of excitement when I realised I passed. I don't know, would most people be estatic? I was just thankful that I don't have to spend anymore time at cdc. I thought things life these were supposed to be life's milestones, or something along those lines, you know what I mean? Yeaaaa anyway I drove to nus today, wasn't scary at all like what I thought it would be, it's just very hard to keep within the speed limit you know, especially with an auto car, no gear, nothing to fret about, just accelerate and brake. That's it.
I just wanted to see how boring my life is by typing and documenting these little things. I used to feel excited when I typed in capitalised letters. It gives the vibe that you are really into something. Like instead of hahahaha, you write HAHAHHAAH, don't you think it is more impactful? But after some time, it kinda loses it's meaning just like how lol used to signify laughter, it is but just a mere response when you have nothing else to say. Well ok benefit of the doubt, you really are laughing out loud. Can? So quite boring la, interesting life is intimidating and extremely time consuming...
Have fun in whatever you are doing friends, till next time.