OMGWTF an update.

Aug 07, 2008 14:43

This time I haven't updated this in a while coz nothing has happened. No, I haven't updated this in a while coz so much has happened! Let's see if I can sort things out...

* Okay, the Big Stuff first: on my birthday (15.7) Arttu was working a night shift and I had an early morning shift so at 4.00 am. when I was eating breakfast, he came home. Naturally I went to the door t greet him. Then, in the middle of our living room floor he went down on one knee and asked me to marry him! I just stared at him for a minute - I was barely awake, barely dressed, my hair was a mess; I pretty much looked like a troll in a bad morning. Well, of course I said yes! And nearly cried tears of joy, I was just so happy. :')
We went to buy the rings the next day from Raisio -you can't buy them here, small town --> half of the people here would know before we even get home. And my parents were on a holiday and I was dying to tell them myself so we kept our engagement kind of a secret for a few days. Ans about the rings: they're white golden, a little thick coz a slim one would've looked ridiculous on Arttu's gigantic hand. And I wanted our rings to be alike, something nice and symbolic about that. ^__^ The weird thing about the ring though is that first it felt kinda heavy and I was incrdibly concious of it all the time, but now I barely feel it -at least daily I have to check that it hasn't dropped off! O.o
Everyone have been really great about this, no nasty comments or bad reactions so far. Thank you all. ♥

* Like you might have concluded from the previous: yes, I had a burthday, I turned twenty and I feel old. T__T Think about it, I'm on my thrid decade, before I know it I'll be frigging thrity! *age crisis*

* Naturally we had an egagement party (/hausewarming). Relatives earlier and friends in the evening. Got a lot of kettles and tupperware (omg...) and booze. And a foundue-set that looks like a minityre time-machine. O.o Th party was a hit -at least I had fun! :D Though I was wasted and had a two-day hangover...... But who cares? ^__^' The only bad thing is that some brainiac broke our stove and we're gonna have to buy a new adn Arttu's furious, so no big parties in this apartment anymore. :S

* I've had a lot of fun with Rii (
elffingqueen) (I even lured her to join the IRC-gallery! XD) It's good to be back together with her. ^__^ (Omg I make us sound like an old married couple *headdesk*)

* I got into SAMK to study business economies. I have no idea what will become of this.... At least you can study a lot of languages there, like Russian. I'm actually looking forward to it mostly coz I hate my job, the irregular long hours. >.< Scholl will do good for me, I hope. Thumbs up!

* My prolife layout was a grand failure, I somehow messed up the codes nad lost my temper. Maybe I'll try again when I have the time and the energy... I'll spend the next three days at work (14-22.15) So yu won't see much of me then. X__X

* Besied these events my summer's been a bore. All the time either I or Arttu is at work so we hadn't had the chance to really do anything fun. :/ I hate it. I've been begging him to go to the movies with me next week but we'll see. I'm dying to see the Dark Knight!!  Everyone says it's so awesome...!

I'll be memeing soon, thanks to Rii :D. Well, "soon" being when I can find the time... ^__^'
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