Submit to alt.chi!

Dec 13, 2007 19:29

I'm co-chairing alt.chi at CHI this year; alt.chi is where to publish things that you can't get published at chi. As we say in the call:

With alt.chi 2008, we want to open up for unusual, challenging and thought-provoking work that might not otherwise be seen at the conference. alt.chi is a place to experiment with how CHI submissions are presented, submitted, reviewed and selected. alt.chi is CHI's breathing hole, the space for change, where new ideas can be tried out and experienced. alt.chi 2008 is your chance to present that paper you always wanted to write but you knew would never get through the conventional review process.
Alt.chi invites controversial ideas, novel prototypes, failed but valuable user studies, bold experiments, and anything else that can give a fresh perspective on CHI. We invite submissions that explore technical or practical limitations in technologies or methodologies; that introduce promising, although currently non-viable techniques; that critique the current state of the field; and that explore topics outside of current discussion. We particularly welcome topics on CHI 2008's theme, We invite work that would otherwise not have been presented at CHI 2008, because it is too controversial or outside of the norm.

In addition to providing an opportunity for novel and interesting work, we're also doing the process in an interesting way: it's open, non-anonymous submission, open, non-anonymous review: anyone can submit, anyone can review. The big change this year is that we've completely integrated reviews with discussion: there's the opportunity for discussion between authors and reviewers in a constructive way, rather than the hands-off review-rebuttal series of normal CHI reviewing.

Submit your papers to:
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