Oct 22, 2003 22:37
i decided today that politically correct people are fuckers. that's my opinion and i'm sticking to it. so now i'm going to type whatever offensive things come to mind in no coherent order.
fuck pussy cunt bitch whore shit. fuck a whore until she's red and love it. snort coke off a baby's stomach while watching 70's cartoon porn and relish the fact that it's offensive and crude. download internet porn and sell burned copies to catholic school children. tell the government to kiss your ass for taking anything that you say seriously because if they do then they have too much time on their hands for paying any attention to you. say nigger if you want to, even if you're not racist. call fags fags and not care if they get insulted because after all they love cock just as much as the next person.
ok, maybe some of that was a little over the top but i really don't care anymore. i'm entitled to write whatever i want about whatever i want. that's the beauty of this country, or at least it used to be. it's sad that people are afraid to speak what's on their mind no matter how fucked up or offensive because it might insult people. they're too uptight yet the irony is that if you question what they say you're wrong and are on the side of the fence for the degenerates of this country. what happened to free speech? it was taken away when the patriot act was put into effect and the son of patriot act will just make it more fun.
yesterday i bought a record on sen. mccarthy and listened to it last night. the similarities between then and now are amazing and almost scary. the one thing that i never thought about until yesterday is who carries a card that says they're a member of the communist party? is it like a voters registration card or more similar to a school i.d.? where can i get one? i'm not a communist but i'd like to have one just the same way that one day i'd like to own the remains of the elephant man, but michael jackson is too attached to strange things to give that up. by the way, mr. michael "i only did a special on my bizarre life to make me feel better because my last album flopped and i only feel alive when i'm in the public spotlight" jackson is reading this (which of course he's not), i think it would be in his best interest to give me his jolly green giant statue so i can forever be reminded of bad commercial popular culture and also be reminded to eat my vegetables, even if they're frozen and processed repeatedly.
elliott smith died today by stabbing himself. unlike many people i have to give him credit, he did it right and is dead. it's not sad that he's dead, it's sad that his last album was one of his worst and there'll never be another. either/or was his best and i'll be kill rock stars is going to cash in on his death because the new sleater kinney stuff is crap and their new stuff is weak.
today on park ave. i saw a lady riding a machine that resembled both a scooter and an electric wheelchair. it has handles and a platform at the bottom and two wheels. she was driving it down the sidewalk and showing it off to all the other trophy wives and drunk businessmen that drink at 310 every day after work. has walking become that much of a task that now we need machines to do it for us? it's like that lady in true stories that has a machine that feeds her. we are too soft in this nation and if we want to evolve not only as a people but as a country we need to grow some balls and stop relying on technology so much. granted i'm guilty because i'm typing this into a computer right now but who fucking cares? it's not like i spend my life on one of these like i used to. i will admit that i was quite an internet junkie once upon a time but now i only use it to check e-mail and look at a few sites. i don't even have home internet access and i'm all the happier for it.
by the way i think jeb bush is a dildo for keeping that woman alive. we're not even allowed to die in this country anymore if it interferes with politics or the bible. the funny thing is that if this happened 100 years ago this woman would have been long dead and gone. thanks to the marvels of modern science which religion is opposed to she is kept alive. i guess zealots can pick and choose which policies and rules they can follow because jesus is in their hearts, except when they're watching prime time television like friends which talks about sex constantly or watching religious programming that is only trying to get you to give them money to build a giant 20 story god building off of I-4.
until next time i hope that you get cancer.