What a week...

Jan 15, 2004 19:16

Well I have had a busy week so far... Not really busy...just alot of things have been happening.

Since Shawna moved out I've been pretty lonely. It doesn't seem like I have my best friend anymore...Sean took her from me. I know she doesn't live very far away...but I don't have a car to go see her...I just have the phone and i can only call her after 9 on the weekends because she doesn't have a real phone..she's using her cell phone to talk to everyone. She said that we are going to have a girl's night one night when her and Sean get all settled in and I can spend the night and everything. Another thing...I went to D-Group the other night and Angela or Katelyne weren't there and I started talking about Shawna and how she moved out and everything and Carla asked if Shawna was paying for all the bills and everything and I said yeah pretty much because Best Buy isn't giving Sean any hours. If he does get hours he only gets like 4 a week which sucks. So Carla, Michelle, and Rayanne are betting on how long Shawna will keep it up and be together with Sean. It made me sooooooo mad. They don't need to be betting on a relationship. It's so wrong. Michelle was all "I bet they don't make it til the end of the school year" and Carla was all "I give them 2 months" and Rayanne's all "I don't know them but from what you guys are saying I bet they don't last very long" I was gonna say "Well I give them until they get married and Die" but I didn't want to. They would all go against me even though I know it's the truth about her and Sean. They will last forever. Carla and everyone shouldn't be betting because they don't know them and they don't know how deep their love is for each other. At least Sean didn't get Shawna pregnant unlike John did to Katie...

Also...The whole Kyle and Seth thing..but they are done with that. They apologized and Kyle told me he loved me and that makes everything just fine with me ;)

History is so boring. The teacher is dumb...I swear she still likes Mr. Garland which is nasty to think about..Your teachers dating! JEEZ...They broke up but she still acts like she likes him. It's nasty haha :)

Dance is going suprisingly great. I love it but I can't be in it 4th quarter Because I have to take Health. They never gave it to me last year as a freshmen (when you are supposed to take it) So I am going to try and fit it in as a sophomore because I don't want to take it as a Junior. I really don't think I can dance any better than I started off but I am doing somewhat better.

But yeah..that's what is going on in my life...Leave a comment if you love me :)

congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happy
bunny. You don't care about anyone or anything.
You must be so proud

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