Jan 06, 2004 22:18
Hey Everyone,
Well today we started new classes at school. Oh fun..Back at school...Not really. Here is my schedule::
1st- Dance with Ms. Pierce
2nd- History with Ms. Engler
3rd- Choir with Mrs. Tabet
4th- English with Mrs. Cardozo
I like my schedule except History. I really don't like the subject and me and Sarah decided that the teacher has about 5 tampons up her...haha...seriously, she is a bad mood teacher. I remember last year...Matt kissed me on the Cheek and she flipped out. She separtated us...I was all jeez. Shawna just sat there and laughed at us and told us not to do it again..really loud, and Ms. Engler just glared at her. It was pretty funny. :)
Any crap, Angela isn't doing too good. Poor thang..her aunt died tonight around 7:30. I don't know what to say to her..I mean I have had a death in the family but not an aunt or anything. I have had my grandma die and then about a week later my grandpa died...I guess there isn't really anything to say...because I have learned from experience that when you say sorry it just makes them more emotional and think about them more. So I didn't say sorry..even though I am..Anyways..I better go...My Mom is yelling at me to go to bed.
Love Always,
Shara Dee