So I seriously think I have insomnia...
I seriously am having problems sleeping at night.. I don't know why :\
Had a grill out at Justin's house.
Would of been awsome if no one had to work and if the pool didn't have 2 inches of slime on top, oh well it was fun just hanging around David, David, Justin, Robert, Ross, Brandond, and Tyler. Twas a sausage fest but you know, deal with what you have and make the most of it.
We came up with a plan.. more of.. David Ek. provided the idea, and I set up the scheme. David said "Wouldn't it suck to be a girl with big boobs? cause you know guys would always be staring at your tits." Tyler piped in, "But what if you had a huge dong? Do you think the ladies would stare at that?". So I said what we should do, is one day go to the mall, all of us or just a few of us, stuff our genital region, I'd take my video camera, and we'd conduct an experiment. Do women stare at men's enlargened groins as much as men stare at a women's large bosoms?
We'll get back to this after some more research...
lol! Jared Loe... what a character
We go into a Wallmart, we're just about to leave, and he takes off back into the store in a motor cart.. So we wait for him at the doors for like 15 min... and hes not coming.. so David and I decide to go look for him and here he comes around the corner, head to the side, drooling, while all the employees are just staring at him lol...
Annoying white trash girl: "Hey, shut up f*** up"
Jared Loe: "You wanna suck my what?"
Homeworks a daily downer.
Although sleep is definetly beneficial! I need alot of it... I've lost so much...
lol, yes, thats David Ek. and yes, thats a police officer in the background, and no I will not have sex with your mouth.. Atleast not tonight.. maybe tomorow.
We were outside of a bowling alley in Neenah, waiting for Jared's friend Peter to come out with his keys, because previously 2 15 year old dirtbags had stole them from his pockets, and screamed rape when he tried to grab them back. So apparently someone heard these screams for help and took them very seriously.. Because 5 min after peter went inside, 3 Neenah police cars and one police SUV drive right up next to us.. 3 of the cops go inside to "investigate" and one cop stays outside to make sure we dont take off with their cars (which was highly tempting!)
It was all straightened out, and the 15 year old who stole Pete's keys was brought back to the cop shop! so that got rid of those hos.
Well I'm actualy growing tired I think.
Journal you never cease to amaze...
Nighty night ya'll