Springy spring

Mar 26, 2008 22:43

so I know I keep saying that I'm going to post on this thing more often and then I don't. I guess I just feel I don't have anything intresting to write about until it is way to late. So spring semester is going rather well though I am very stressed. I was suposed to graduate in the spring but I dropped one class that I will take in the summer. The class I dropped was Global Environmental Studies, not as awesome as I thought it was going to be. The professor SUCKED! In the 3 weeks that I took the class I learned more from teaching 4th graders then I did from this man, and to top it off he drives an F*&$ing HUMMER!!! GRRRR makes me angry thinking about it, how can you been and Environmental Studies professor, know the damage your shitty car does to the environment and still drive the f*&$ing thing!

Okay happier news, school other than that is going really well but really fast, I have so much crap due in the next 3 weeks I think my head might explode. Work is going extremly well as well. I've transfered depts to membership which is great it's a nice change of pace. It makes up for that itch I have to want to move away. If I stay in NJ past this May(which I will) it will be the longest I've lived in one place for 2 years. craziness! Though I am planning on doing lots of traveling this spring/summer. Starting with the EarthVision Summit in Washington DC in April and ending hopefully with A visit to Ohio again for the Wroe street block party, with some festivals and day trips strew about.

Everyone in my family is good, mom had sugury last week and is recovering nicely we should hear more next week.

I'm reading a really good book right now called Omnivore's Dilemma it's all about the food we eat. I have been on a HUGE Non-fiction kick I've got 2 more books lined up for after this one(reading lolita in teran, and fast food nation) if anyone could recomend any other good non fiction stuff that would be great.

Now for an update for those who care about my new years resolution: 1. change all the light bulbs in the house to incodecent(sp?) or flourecent(sp?)-
I realized today that the bulb above the stove is still the old kind, I need to change that tomorrow.

2. Use canvas bags when going to the grocery store and re-use the plastic bags for gross meat like things.-It's been going well, though sometimes we forget them(usually for a smal trip) so we've been using those bags for Max's waste

3. Never EVER take a bag from a store.-Again going well, still get dirty looks for cashiers, making a point to show them as I put stuff in so I can't get blamed for shop lifting

4. Use all natural/bio-degradable health and beauty products-All my body cleaning stuff is right there, When I am done with the last few maxi pads I have I am going to start using natural pads, hopefully work myself up to lunapads(ones u re-use) and since I don't use tampons I don't think I could use a diva cup. As for my make up I have too much non natural stuff to validate throwing it out, that would just be more wasteful, though I am saving my empty Mac containers giving them to my sister so she can get a lipstick. As well anyone know any good natural make up brands? I'll need more research.

5. Get rid of a lot of clothing that I currently own but haven't warn since I've been home and donate it. This is green by using less space, and recycling my clothing.-I really need to clean my room and do laundry then I can get rid of some crap.

6. Volunteer for some environmentally good things-My first opportunity will be April 25th at EarthVision and then I am planning on doing a couple of weekends with the Nature Concervancy.

7. Vote for a presidental candidate that cares about the enviroment and the "no child left in side" campaign-November 4th here I come!

8. Recycle, recycle, recycle-On top of it, Got in an argument with a professor today about him giving out doubles of a handout and then going to throw them in the trash.

9. build a compost pile-At work they sell a suburban composter that I keep eying, next paycheck probably

10. Do the one week localvore challenge-Been looking at the list of booths at my local farmers market, not much choice, though the farmers market 2 towns over has an amazing list of things, I will probably use theirs though I will have to use gas to get to it, make the first time I will use my towns just to see what they have. Andit will have to be more the summer b/c the farmers markets don't open till June.

11. Give up meat for lent-Been there done that WAAAAAY Hard

12. Shop at the farmers market more often- Farmers market opens in June Soo there!

13. Read the labels, read the labels, read the labels-No more HFCS for me!!!

14. Open my families food horizons-During lent my mom ate lots of new things it was wayy exciting

15. Attend Solarfest 2008-sometime in July, any one intrested in joining me for a weekend in VT?

16. Never drink bottled water or paper cupped coffee-I love the weird looks I get for my nalgene

17. Read all those environmental books, and see all those movies I've been meaning too.- I'm going to start going to the library and borrowing books and movies.

As well I've shaken up my music a bit, trying to find new non-radio bands. I saw a movie called Before the Music Dies and I really learned a lot about the quality of music we are given through big corporation radio and music biz. Any cool bluegrass, blues,folk or Jam bands anyone could recomend would be greatly appricated, as well shows that you would be willing to have me tag along for as well.

That's it, time for bed I have to be at work pretty early tomorrow!
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