Jan 12, 2008 20:56
So every year, I make New Year's resolutions that I never ever keep. But this year I decided to make a New year's resolution I can keep. I've decided that I'm going to go greener this year. I say this b/c last year it was rediculously easy to keep green, I decided to bring some of the things I learned in the woods home with me. so here are my goals to go greener this year with info on the things I already did.
1. change all the light bulbs in the house to incodecent(sp?) or flourecent(sp?)-done that my parents bought a huge costco pack.
2. Use canvas bags when going to the grocery store and re-use the plastic bags for gross meat like things.-done bought those bags today and we now have bags for the meaty stuff.
3. Never EVER take a bag from a store.-In progress. My purse is big enough I can fit just about anything I need to in it.
4. Use all natural/bio-degradable health and beauty products-On my way, I just have 2 things that I don't want to waste that are not these things. As well I'm going to look into Make-up as well. And does anyone know anything about femine products besides the cup thingy?
5. Get rid of a lot of clothing that I currently own but haven't warn since I've been home and donate it. This is green by using less space, and recycling my clothing.-On the way. I went through stuff when I came home, and I have a lot more stuff I haven't warn.
6. Volunteer for some environmentally good things-Probably as the weather gets nicer more projects will come available.
7. Vote for a presidental candidate that cares about the enviroment and the "no child left in side" campaign-November 4th here I come!
8. Recycle, recycle, recycle-I've started to get lax on my recycling I need to be more vigilant about it.
9. build a compost pile-this will take a lot of work, not only physical, but to get my parents to let me do it.
10. Do the one week localvore challenge-When spring comes around and the farms market in town opens I will be able to try this.
11. Give up meat for lent-When lent comes around IT'S ON!!
12. Shop at the farmers market more often- Once the farmers market in town opens, try to convince the parents to by fruits and veggies from there
13. Read the labels, read the labels, read the labels-I've already started this, and you learn a lot from reading the label.
14. Open my families food horizons-that started today, my mom and sister had Kale for the first time and they loved it.
15. Attend Solarfest 2008-sometime in July, any one intrested in joining me for a weekend in VT?
16. Never drink bottled water or paper cupped coffee-already doing that brita is an amazing thing!
17. Read all those environmental books, and see all those movies I've been meaning too.- I'm going to start going to the library and borrowing books and movies.
Well I hope to keep you all updated on my progress and if anyone has any other suggestions toss 'em my way