Oct 07, 2007 21:50
So Thursday I tried to meet with my advisor but she wasn't in her office so I emailed her to find out when I could come in but I haven't gotten a responce yet. Then I went to give blood but the line was rediculously long so they are having a health fair on campus sometime next week so I'll do it then. We actually got through a sociology lecture without having to go over stuff next class, it was amazing. Had sushi with mark which was great, this week it was my treat, I always have fun with that boy. Friday I got up wicked early, when to school had a disapointing breakfast went to the writing lab where they gave me some help on my grammar hopefully my paper will be an A this time. Went to go print out an edited copy of my paper in the computer lab and it wouldn't read my file b/c my laptop isn't compatible with the computers at school, soo I had to re-type the whole thing, which ment I didn't get to study for spanish with Carissa. Took the spanish quiz which wasn't so bad I messed up a little on the bonus questions but I think I did okay. Then we had history. Where our professor was giving all these people who didn't pay attention or skipped class the chance to take the test on tuesday. I finished the test in a half hour and my professor told me that I can hand in my paper that is due the day of the teachers convention in the following class and not get it graded as late. Then I had English class where I turned in that paper, and we discussed our research paper, we shall see how that goes, my topic for now is Did Harry Potter really promote children to read or is it just a fad. We will see how much info I get out of it. R took me to work again, it was great but he isn't gonna be there either wed or fri this coming week b/c his band is going be in Ohio recording their album. Yes I'm friends with a rock star. Then I worked till 11 and Nic picked me up and we watched Knocked Up. It was wicked funny and wicked cute.
Saturday I went to the fair with my mom and my sister. It was wicked lame and had some pretty crappy booths, but there was good food, so that made up for it. Then I went to work, and then Jenn and I went to Hoboken with her friends. Hung out, ate pizza, ate junk food, drank some beers. Had a general good time. Today went to work and got a case for my computer, I was suposed to do some youth group stuff and go dancing, which SHIT, I was suposed to call Mollie. ooopps I'll call her hin the AM. I watched the first 2 episodes of Heroes. OMG soo good...I can't wait till netflix gets the next episodes here. That's it for now, tomorrow cleaning my room and work.