New interests mean searching out new websites and I'm finding it very difficult to do in my free time because of my crappy laptop. My dealings with it can be summed up in this nifty formula. Piece of shit + dial up + preference for Netscape = really, really annoying. Most of the sites I want to check out are much too busy so my laptop freezes. It's bloody irritating. At least I do have the option of surfing them at work, but I can't spend hours reading about Robbie. No matter how much that will make me happy.
So. Yeah. No photos were posted last night because a FTP connection continued to allude me. How sad. So I defragged my C drive just for fun. Whee! Well, actually I hadn't done that in a long time, so it was due.
I didn't watch all of Catch Me If You Can because it was moving too damn slow. And I realized I have no fondness for Leo Dicaprio. And I made mom watch AI because it was BeeGees songs and she likes them. Heh. I don't know who's gonna win but I'm rooting for Clay. I hope Josh goes tonight.
Tonight is
groupie time and I'm mucho excited!
And even though I must bug her to death, new icon from the ever-fabulous Tina! Yay!