May 27, 2007 16:40
I try pretty damn hard to not live by what people say. Especially when they are judging my work, or things I have done. I have learned from the past, not everyone will be happy with what you do. There will be people who don't like your style, your voice, or you. When they judge you by those things they aren't really seeing you as a person. I guess what I'm trying to say is there will always be people out there laughing about my career as a New Kid or people wondering if I'm still alive.
For every negative comment or remark, there are still people out there that follow my career because they love what I do. I love hearing that they love my album or that they have followed my career. I find it very satisfying and rewarding.
This might be selfish but the person I am really doing my singing for is me. The reason I act is me. If I were to tell you the truth, I am very work oriented, which can be good and bad. I am a perfectionist to a fault sometimes. I am stubborn and I like getting my way. The fact is if I didn't love what I doing, I wouldn't do it.
It's no secret that as a New Kid I was pretty well known, people either loved or hated us. People would find out where we were staying and get a room at that hotel. They would camp out in front of the building, just to get a glimpse at us. I truely loved visiting with fans and thanking them for thier support.
I even had a girl hide out in my shower one time, and I was pretty much naked and she screamed and I screamed. At least she got to see me.. Some fans were crazy, some didn't respect our personal time. It was chaotic and at times scary, people diving at us to get to us, trying to get a piece of our clothes or whatever happened to fancy that particular fan.
Basically I like having a few faithful fans, they usually respect my space and I am still able to reach out. Do I miss the pandamonium? No.
I wish I had a point but I don't....