Jun 10, 2004 16:24
k so for all y'all who weren't there to witness my embarassment, let me
recap. so here i am, talking to ashley in social justice, with about half the classes
attention on me, when i start to sit down, and jack fucking stowell,
whips my chair out from underneath me. to use one of his words, it was
"terrible". anyways, this got me really mad and lead me to compile a
little list of my friend's other deeds, so enjoy, maybe. (note: i've also let jack respond to each of these, and as always, eric has added his insight too.)
the top 11 worst things john "jack" stowell has ever done to me:
11. the first time i got a bruise from him
(jack's defense: "i hit people, no excuses".)
(eric's commentary: eric was too lazy to say anything for 6-11)
10. eating my lunch...several times
(jack: "your lunch tastes good, i wish i had a lunch")
9. putting my lunchbox in the trash
(jack: "you lunch box is trashy")
8. singing me the dennis kucinich song
(jack: " the dennis kuchinich song is the greatest thing i've ever done")
7. calling me a "cunt" every class we have together
(jack: "joey, i just like calling people that. it's not you.")
6. every other word out of his mouth to me is "homosexual"
(jack: "you 'occasionally' do homosexual things, like listening to simple plan.")
5. he dedicated every other comment he makes to the posts on eric's LJ to making fun of me.
(jack: "my livejournal is completely
dedicated to shitting on people. you're lucky to have been included.")
(eric: "thumbtacks are not a good chair")
4. stabbing me with his pen...over and over
(jack: "don't make fun of me, i'll stab you")
(eric: "fanta fanta, dontcha wanta")
3. the time him and eric filled out the chartwell's suggestion thing,
and tryed to make it look like i wanted them to sell alcohol
(jack: "i never submitted it")
(eric: "horse meat is a delicacy")
2. pulling my chair out from underneath me
(jack: "it was just there. i went for it")
(eric: "40 canteloupes is not a fair price for a beluga whale")
and the #1 worst thing jack has every done to me is...
1. making the "homosexual: sign. for those of you who haven't seen it,
it's just a regular 8 1/2 by 11 piece of paper, with the word
"homosexual" written across it, that jack just happnes to like to show
me from across the room all the time.
(jack: "it's hilarious, admit it")
(eric: "ok, let's just admit it; i'm awesome")