Dec 06, 2008 16:57
Well, I've actually spent the last two days on and off the computer trying to get caught up with my email from the last ten months (read: delete everything and start over). I've also started crocheting again...until my fingers feel like they are going to fall off.
The last thing on my list of things to do these last two days is to drop back by here and update my journal to let anyone who cares know that I am still alive and starting to come back around a bit. I'm coming out of my self-induced shell and letting everyone know that I am 1) Alive and 2) Here if they need me.
I've spent the last few months getting kicked around by my job and my family and that was enough to make me realize that I have to get back to finding me again. I've cut myself off from all of my friends and that is killing me, but I also know it's not fair to them, so I've let them know that if they still want me, I am here, but I won't bother them unless they let me know they want me to. I refuse to be a pain in anyone else's ass anymore.
The kids are growing fast and it's amazing to me how much I seem to be missing because I'm trying not to pay attention to anything anymore, so now I'm forcing myself to open my eyes to them as much as possible (my gosh, but those kids talk a lot).
My parents have sold and moved out of my childhood home and I'm doing everything I can to feel at home in their new condo. It's hard, but a daily trip after work (they are now on the way home) to raid their fridge is helping...not my waistline, but at least my well-being.
My husband is laid off of work...again...for three months (so far) this time. He's driving me insane because he's doing nothing but trying to work on the graphics business. So, our house is a pit...a complete and total pit. Walking through here is dangerous, I swear. If something doesn't get done soon (I'm trying, believe me), Christmas is cancelled at the G******* house this year.
I am in physical therapy three times a week for a chronically sprained ankle. Damn those ninth grade track coaches for telling me that I was fine, just tape up my ankle and run. If I'd gone to the doctor then like my mom wanted me to, I wouldn't be suffering all these years later. *growls*
I've had bronchitis and a touch of the stomach flu already this year. Remind me again why I got a flu shot.
I'm bitching a lot in here...I know, but it's hard sometimes to get anything out without doing that lately. Plus, this is my journal, so where else am I going to get it all off my chest, right?
Well, that's it for today. I really am going to try to make an effort to update more often. Maybe attempt to include some pictures of my crochet projects, if that's not too much effort. *laugh*
Miss everyone.