Feb 22, 2008 12:45
Well, just a small update with some random points...my emotions are a bit of a mess today.
- Idol is back...I have my favorite guys...don't care much one way or the other about the girls...they can all go away.
- I do however have a least favorite guy who has got to go VERY SOON! He's got a decent enough voice, but he looks like the bastard love child of BloomieBoy and Eric Bana...I swear I cringe and want to vomit every time he's on the screen. I will not link to pictures, but if you want to see him (although why you would, I don't know), search "Luke American Idol" at Getty Images.
- The volunteer who used to do mail for us in the lab passed away this morning. She became ill in December and I guess they only gave her three months to live (which I didn't know), and she went on to a better place this morning. I'm really sad about this. She was a great person and I wish I could've gotten to know her better.
- Jeannie stopped by work the other day to surprise me!!! YAY!!! It was the brightest moment of my day/week/year so far. I miss her far too much!
- Lost has pretty much lost me. Not only do I not have much concern for what is going on, I am really confused. Not the "OMG, what's gonna happen next" confused...the "WTF?!?!?" confused. I'm still taping it (can't seem to manage to stay up until ten these days) though...guess it's hard for me to give up hope.
- YAY for Dom to have two movie roles coming up...X-Men: Wolverine and Kept...looking forward to both.
- Leaving for the annual trip to Florida a week from tomorrow. I really don't want to go. I don't want to stay with my inlaws and things with Hubby have just been rought lately, so I don't know if I really want to spend that much time with him either. Plus, leaving Caesar is going to be terribly rough.
- Hubby is laid off again. He's getting unemployment for this week, next week, and the week we are in Florida, but he should be going back right after...I hope. He may have to travel though, so that won't be fun, but at least he'll be working. It really sucks being the only one who has to get up and go to work in the morning.
- Why do people see me sitting with my headphones in (listening to WWS at the moment) and typing on the computer in the library and feel they must come in and demand to know what I am doing? It's so fucking obnoxious, I swear.
- Where the fuck is SHOX? Getting quite concerned, but thrilled for Guy.
- I wrote a couple of paragraphs the other night on a smut-filled orgy set of stories I'm working on with a couple of friends. The stuff I wrote sucked, but at least it's something. I'm hoping that I can soon actually get back to working on the big story I've been working on forever. I'd hate to let the timeline Jeannie helped me make go to waste.
- I have to get back to work now. Boo...Hiss...I hope I win the lottery tonight. Gonna buy a ticket on the way home (if I can find a dollar in my purse), plus I'm in with twenty other people at work and we bought 100 tickets...so, either way, I'm still doing good and would most likely be able to quit my job. Now the funny thing will be if I win with the other people at work and everyone up and quits...whatever will they do?
- Love and miss everyone.