I noticed that there isn't a lot of action still going on in livejournal. There are a few of you true troopers who keep it going, but the majority of my friends have sort of moved on! That's sad, but that's life. I however cannot let go of this blog of fear that the history may disappear and I need it to exist as long as possible, so maybe it'll be a book one day! HA! HA!
Anyways this is my permanent residence where I try to blog at least 4 times a month, sometimes more.
Joey Broyles: MAKE ME FAMOUS Please if you come across this entry and you do still write but have moved your blog, let me know. I love reading blogs and I love learning new things about my old friends. I really miss everyone, no matter how little or how big you were in my life, I miss you. It seems that I moved from friend to friend and some I stayed close with, but most we've drifted apart. Well because I have a crazy memory! I can remember most of my life with you by someone just recalling your name out loud. Literally it's a flood gate all the way back to about first grade!
Well! Love you all!