May 09, 2007 11:41
so i feel like im making progress...
here are things i've decided in the past couple days...
-i need to stop worrying about certain things.
-i need to stop keeping feelings and thoughts bottled up. i need to talk about them.
-i need to stop caring about what other people think of me.
-i need to not worry about what i say to people. even if they get mad, i need to do it.
-i need to get organized. badly.
-i need to accept that people change. i just hope that they dont forget who they are.
-i need to be happy. this being depressed shit is really taking a toll on me and im afraid it is on the people around me as well.
im sorry if in the recent past i've upset or bothered anyone. i just havnt been myself.
i just needed to vent.