Repeat delete repeat...

Oct 01, 2009 11:21

Long time between drinks...
Just reviewed my last 2 previous posts, and have decided, I have not learnt a damned thing in a year.
Ive got to laugh.
Also, that September/October will probably always be my wost months for relationships.
(So I should probably keep my eye on that in future...or perhaps take a lone vacation that time every year...)

It makes me think; am I really that influenced by external factors (seasons) Are break-ups really contagious? (Like pregnancy) :O
Doomed to repeat these events ...again....& again
No, I really must refuse.
Repetition is not your friend, besides, we all know how it ends. There's not much fun in that now is there.
I will now be working on a plan to keep myself away from repetition.
Wish me luck!
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