May 03, 2004 23:47
Hooray for Joey: So whats up wth you and him?
Hooray for Joey: anything going on there?
MeganD0404: me and wes?
Hooray for Joey: yeah
Hooray for Joey: talking?
MeganD0404: i guess you could call it that
MeganD0404: i dunno..
MeganD0404: its kinda of weird i guess
Hooray for Joey: Why's that?
MeganD0404: well we kind of agreed nothing would happen..but somethings going its just kinda weird
MeganD0404: i like him..he has a brain and he's a good guy...but i dunno..
MeganD0404: he's got alot of other things to think about right now and i dont wanna complicate thigns
Hooray for Joey: yeah
MeganD0404: i dunnot
Hooray for Joey: he's definetly a busy kid
MeganD0404: yeah i know and im extremely busy too
MeganD0404: but we have a good time together..and we have good conversations..
Hooray for Joey: what do you do besides cheer?
MeganD0404: and it'd be weird not having him there ya know
MeganD0404: all i do is cheer
Hooray for Joey: Work anywhere?
MeganD0404: for a cheerleading company over the summer
Hooray for Joey: cool
MeganD0404: yeah..its awesome!
MeganD0404: i have a great time
MeganD0404: question for you though..
Hooray for Joey: ok
MeganD0404: has wes said anything to you about our situation
Hooray for Joey: what do you mean?
MeganD0404: like has he said anything to you about me and him or do you just know of me because hes always on the phone with me when you wanna get online
MeganD0404: lol
Hooray for Joey: He say's your friends, but its not hard to overlook the obvious. He's spending a considerable amount of time talking to you every night.
Hooray for Joey: But, to answer the origional question, no, all he's said is that your friends.
MeganD0404: yeah..and we spend alot of time together
MeganD0404: yeah which is like what we would call ourselves, so I'm not shocked
MeganD0404: is he like that with alot of girls though
Hooray for Joey: I honestly hardly besides this time of night
Hooray for Joey: ooooops
MeganD0404: wait..what?
Hooray for Joey: wrong im
MeganD0404: lol
Hooray for Joey: what do you mean by "like that with a lot of girls?"
MeganD0404: does he spend this much time talking to other girls
Hooray for Joey: Its hard for me to answer questions like this you know. Theres so much I would like to say and forewarn you of from what I've seen him do in the past. But then again, I don't know if its really my place.
MeganD0404: forewarn me
Hooray for Joey: I don't know
MeganD0404: lol i think you should just tell me
MeganD0404: its not gonna hurt anyt hing
Hooray for Joey: Honestly, don't ever tell him I said this, but you would be doing yourself a favor and saving a lot of heartbreak if you were to just keep things at a friend relationship.
MeganD0404: lol
MeganD0404: why do you say that
Hooray for Joey: He hurts girls Megan. Everything is fine and good for a month or two, but he gets bored and the minute they feel comfortable, he moves on.
MeganD0404: lol yeah..that's like the story of my life
Hooray for Joey: I could name a list of girls the kid has put through emotional hell. And its really hard for me as well, beacuse I always become good if not very close friends with all of them. And then by the time I develope somewhat a friendship, they're thrown to the curb, and coming to me to cry on my shoulder.
MeganD0404: lol..yeah i can understand that
Hooray for Joey: Candy being the most serious
MeganD0404: completely!
MeganD0404: yeah..
MeganD0404: i dont really understand that whole thing
Hooray for Joey: She's without a doubt madly in love with her, and he fill her head with shit that they're going to be back together so she'll have sex with him. Then he makes her look patheitic to everyone to only glorify himself like he "can't understand what her fucking deal is"
MeganD0404: haha thats a guy for ya
Hooray for Joey: I can think of endless hour + long phone calls I've got from Candi balling her eyes out asking me what to do
Hooray for Joey: Not all guys are like that.
MeganD0404: not all guys no!
MeganD0404: but my poorly chosen guys are
Hooray for Joey: But most girls seem to think they are, which really sucks for the guys who value relationships and take them seriously
Hooray for Joey: cough cough me cough cough
MeganD0404: lol yeah..i give all guys a chacne
MeganD0404: well i shouldnt say all
Hooray for Joey: I dunno, It just pisses me off sometimes to see great girls get their hearts ripped out by assholes and not even give a guy like me the time of day because I can't throw a ball 90 miles anhour
Hooray for Joey: It seems sort of ridiculous at times
MeganD0404: i mean like i give them a chance to show their true colors and see how compatible we'd be
MeganD0404: yeah it is sometimes
Hooray for Joey: That's probobly the reason I've only dated two people all of high school
MeganD0404: im sure its not the reason at all
Hooray for Joey: not that I'm complainging though, Emily and I's relationship was great and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
MeganD0404: thtas great..even though you got hurt
MeganD0404: i havent had any great relationships
MeganD0404: ive had good ones..but they always turn out terrible
Hooray for Joey: Why's that?
MeganD0404: because guys love to treat me badly
Hooray for Joey: Your not dating the right guys
MeganD0404: i never do
MeganD0404: i just wanna go to college and cheer and be friends with the gay guys on the squad because those are my boys!
Hooray for Joey: You'll find someone, don't worry to much about it.
MeganD0404: yeah im not at all
Hooray for Joey: See, with me, I only get into serious relationships.
MeganD0404: really?
Hooray for Joey: Yep
MeganD0404: thats cool though
Hooray for Joey: To me, anything else is just a waste of time. If I can't see myself being with that person for a long period of time, I don't bother.
MeganD0404: yeah thats a good point
Hooray for Joey: But don't get me wrong, I can still be spontanious
MeganD0404: well of course!
Hooray for Joey: I met Emily at a football game, I dont know how or why, but a wek later we were dating
MeganD0404: thats awesome!
MeganD0404: do you miss her
Hooray for Joey: I know its tacky, but it seriously was a love at first sight thing for me
Hooray for Joey: Yeah I miss her a lot. I try to ignore and hide the fact that I do, but its hard
Hooray for Joey: I spent the past year anda half of my life with her, now we havent talked in over 2 weeks.
Hooray for Joey: Thats a tough change to go through
MeganD0404: yeah no shit
MeganD0404: tell me about it
MeganD0404: i just spent the weekend with my friend shawn and i miss him already
Hooray for Joey: And what people have a tough time understanding, is the fact that I still love her, and I'll never stop loving her. I lost my virginity to her, I can't ever forget that. That kind of love doesn't ever go away.
MeganD0404: yeah no shit it doesnt
MeganD0404: its a unique sort of love
Hooray for Joey: But that doesn't mean that I couldn't ever love someone else you know?
MeganD0404: exactly
MeganD0404: you just wont ever love them in the same way
Hooray for Joey: yeah
Hooray for Joey: She's going to have a special place in my heart for the rest of my life, nithing will ever change that, but that doesn't mean that I can't get over her and love someone else.
MeganD0404: thats so true
MeganD0404: it's good that you look at it like that
MeganD0404: instead of being bitter about love
Hooray for Joey: O trust me, I went through the bitter pissed off stage
Hooray for Joey: lol
MeganD0404: yeah i know
MeganD0404: but atleast it didnt consume you
Hooray for Joey: That was after the depression when I starting chain smoking, lost 20 pounds from not eating for weeks and lived off coffee
Hooray for Joey: It did for a while
MeganD0404: holy shit
MeganD0404: thats nuts!
Hooray for Joey: It was really bad
MeganD0404: yeah that sounds pretty intense
Hooray for Joey: I cried myself to sleep for almost 2 weeks
Hooray for Joey: If I even slept at all
MeganD0404: i cant even imagine
MeganD0404: see when if eel like that all i wanan do is sleep
MeganD0404: thats my only escape
Hooray for Joey: And in a way, i think thats what triggered the pissed off stage that came after
Hooray for Joey: My health and mental state went to shit, and I hated her for it
Hooray for Joey: And so came the angry livejournal entries and phone calls
Hooray for Joey: which I do now regret
MeganD0404: breakups are tough
MeganD0404: it happens
MeganD0404: we all vent differently
Hooray for Joey: But I can't take the things I said back you know
Hooray for Joey: yeah
MeganD0404: exactly1
MeganD0404: but hey i need to go..
MeganD0404: i am exhausted
Hooray for Joey: thats cool
MeganD0404: so i will talk to you later on
MeganD0404: it was nice talking to ya
MeganD0404: night hun
Hooray for Joey: yeah sure
Hooray for Joey: Cya