May 21, 2003 17:39
Hello, fans and welcome to the long awaited update to my livejournal. I've been really damn busy lately with school, prom, Emily, Cedar Point and work that I've barely even thought about this thing. Hopefully I'll start updating more frequently now.
On to the Good stuff.
*Catchy opeing theme song plays*
Emily and I have now been dating for seven months and two days, that right seven months! Its my longest relationship ever and I'm really happy with her. We have yet to get in a fight. Yeah thats right, 7 months and not one fight...somehow, its crazy.
I got to take my first spin on Top Thrill Dragster on Sunday. O my fucking god, nothing can prepare you for this ride. It's the most intense thing I've ever been on, and makes Millennium Force seen slow. The luanch is completely ridiculous and the tophat is fucking nuts. All the people that said the ride would suck shit go eat there words.
I've been hanging out with Kane a lot lately, so thats cool. We never really hung out a lot until this year. Its to bad hes graduating but he lives pretty close so it shouldn't be a big deal.
Thats about it, tune in next week for another happy update.