Feb 12, 2007 05:04
I guess you thought all is is wiped out of my mind ,and you could fumble on the things i set in stone , but your wrong . The chains are on your feet with a 300 pound cement block and the water is filling up quick , I guess its only a matter of time until you drown , there is time for you to redeam your self and brake the chains free but your fate is in your hands and my insides can only take so much to have the audacity to break the tension holding you down .
My only clue is to make wise choices even in the most minúte situations , or your decisions can lead to a world which you thought was glamourous but here's what the funny mirrors didnt show you , your in for a broken record of tears and regrets , that the choice you had now wasnt so bad.
Maybe its my fault for being Mr nice guy all the time , personality number two is gonna show and the ball doesnt roll back up the hill from there,stuck at the bottomn is where you will be , and relize fucking with someones life and sense of feelings mad ,sad , glad or what have you , all those are emotions you should make wise choices on tampering with.