Jun 02, 2005 13:23
I've been really energetic lately. WOO HOO! Finally...During the school year I'm always tired.
Slut!! I think I've hit a slump...I'm not losing any more weight...But I got my stomach totally flat now...the way I've wanted it to look for...ummm...EVER lol
I love summer...it's totally carefree. I'm chillin' in Soffes and a beater right now, with no makeup, and I'm totally fine with it.
Anyone goin to Abacoa tomorrow night? Leave one if you are...
Our house phone isn't working...we can only get incoming calls....which is great...if you wanna run up your minutes on your cell. lol
Those of you whom I haven't talked to in a while...CALL ME!!
I hate my mom having her office at home. Every day when I wake up, the phone's ringing literally every 30 seconds, there's like 5 people OTHER THAN MY FAMILY in my living room, and if I call my mom for a ride, she'll be like "ok, I'm leaving right now"....half an hour later, I call her to see where she is, and she's like "Yea...I'm leavin right now"...and then I get picked up in another half an hour. I flipped on her yesterday too. I'm like "You're always so damn busy, you forget we're even around! What the hell is that? Why don't you move your frickin' office BACK TO YOU OFFICE??? It make things a helluva lot easier for everyone!" ...ok enough venting. My bad. I guess the POST IT NOTES everywhere are ok...Adds a lot of color to the room...
I think I'm going to go run around in the rain now. Not only does it look fun, it'll get rid of some of this energy.